Valdimir Putin is no madman
Ruthless, clever and Machiavellian yes, but completely sane
Vladimir Putin is not mad. He's just focussed
Surely no-one with any contact with the outside world can have failed to notice the events in Ukraine over the last few days. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the President of Russia, sent his troops across the border – and invaded.
This, of course, was the excuse for the Western legacy media to slip the leashes on its hounds of hyperbole. And the caterwauling was not restricted to the pathetic remnants of a once-great Press. Even that darling of the right, Ben Shapiro, got in the act, with a smokescreen of verbosity the like of which only a lawyer could conjure, and which a mere hack like yours truly could never hope to emulate. So I won't try: Shapiro has a lawyer's understanding of the truth: it is that which serves his purpose.
One theme that has been echoing around cyberspace is that Putin has 'gone mad'. That he is now insane. That he finally cracked – and much of this, by the by, from a legacy media that both supports the bumbling idiot FJoe Biden and the scumbag scoundrel dictator of Canada, Justin 'Blackface' Trudeau. But I might come back to them.
The digital pages of the Daily Mail, New York Times, Guardian and myriad other rags are full of the same message: Putin is a mad dog. And of the same implied exhortation: we civilised peoples must rid the world of this monster, or at least put him on our leash. Note – our leash.
This arrant poppycock falls foul of a major obstacle. Putin is not mad. He just doesn't think like Western pundits would like him to. That is because, unlike the globalist-fascist dictators of the Wst, he is a man, not a pussy. His priorities are simple: he must protect Mother Russia. That is what he has given his life to. He is wedded to the Russian people and all hell will rain on he who harms them. Vladimir Vladimirovich will make sure of it.
Westerners, their brains turned to soup by decades of multiculturalist propaganda, find this idea hard to deal with. But even the United States, no respecter, ever, of anyone else's rights, until recently believed something similar: that wherever the USA or its citizens went, that place became a plot in Uncle Sam's back yard and woe betide anyone who challenged that. And until recently, the USA would back that up with an armed response.
Putin is only doing exactly what John F Kennedy tried to do with the catastrophic Bay of Pigs invasion – actually mounted by Cuban exiles trained, funded and armed by the CIA – in 1961. He wanted to retain Cuba as a satellite of the USA. And having failed, successive US administrations have refused any aid to Cuba and instead have tried to starve it into surrender – which has been just as successful as that invasion was.
History escapes the modern 'journalist', as is painfully obvious. To begin with Ukraine is a part of Russia, or at least the bit that Putin is after is. The Treaty of Andrusovo in 1667 divided it between Russia, which took the eastern part, and Poland, which took the western. These separate territories were later, and after much bloodshed, rejoined in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. That was in 1922, and soon thereafter this state became a founder member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR.
As part of Stalin's policy of 'Russification', Russians were moved into Ukrainian territory, mostly, again, in the east. About twenty percent of Ukraine's population today is made up of ethnic Russians, who again, mostly live in the east.
After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Ukraine became independent again, but this was accompanied by severe economic recession. Further, the country was divided, with those living in the east feeling strongly loyal to Russia, while those in the West – a mixture of ethnicities but Europeans rather than Slavs - looking westward to the EU. Indeed during this period Ukraine made many overtures to the EU, requesting permission to join, but could not meet the economic standards required – not to mention the humanitarian ones. In the mid 2000s it looked as if Ukraine would finally meet these, but then it was hit hard by the economic crash of 2008.
The end of that scheme, however, came in 2013 when President Viktor Yanukovych suspended it. This led to widespread rioting and in early 2014 the President was deposed by the Europeanists, which in turn led to the Russo-Ukrainian War.
This happened because Russia had a huge naval base in Crimea, then a part of southern Ukraine. Faced with the prospect of Ukraine becoming a part of Europe and probably NATO, Putin invaded Crimea and annexed it, to protect one of his most important military assets.
As a part of the peace treaty which was proposed by Russia and agreed to by Ukraine, the Treaty of Minsk, hostilities ended with Russia retaining Crimea. The Ukrainian government, as another part of this treaty, gave undertakings that the areas in the East, such as Donbas, would be given autonomy, if not actual independence.
The Ukraine government has never honoured any of those commitments and has instead allowed its police and military to maintain the eastern provinces under a state of effective martial law. Putin, repeatedly, protested this, to no avail.
The pressure on Putin to do something intensified as Ukraine renewed its push to become part of NATO. This would have put NATO ground forces within a few miles of the naval base in Crimea, not to mention the possibility of nuclear weapons being placed on Ukrainian soil. Putin was certain to react.
The White House
While President Trump remained in office, there was less chance of Putin doing anything. He was never afraid of Trump but he admired his muscularity. As two men, they respected each other and Putin could see that as well as wielding a massive military hammer, Trump was doing his best to roll back the tide of globalism and wokeism that was – and is – destroying the West. As the saw goes, 'My enemy's enemy is my friend' and Putin could see that having such an ally could be useful, especially in the ongoing dance with China.
After Trump was deposed in what has to be the most laughable 'election' in recent Western history, Putin watched. He gave himself time. In fact, he gave himself a year. Late winter is the best time to invade Ukraine, but he did not invade immediately after Biden's installation. He waited to see how he would perform as a President. When he saw that Biden was a senile old fool quite incapable of running a village, never mind the most powerful nation on Earth, Putin moved.
A developing tumour
From Putin's point of view, Ukraine was a developing tumour. The Government had welched on its own promises as regards the eastern provinces and it was still pushing for NATO membership. Not being a fool, Putin knew that if that happened, then he would be unable to assist the Russian communities inside Ukraine, because Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty specifically states that 'an attack on one will be seen as an attack on all.'
Putin had to move, if he was going to at all, before Ukraine was accepted into NATO. He begged, publicly, for years, for an assurance from Ukraine that it would drop this demand and from NATO – especially Britain and the USA – that they would veto it. These requests – to Putin, quite reasonable ones – fell on deaf ears.
Vladimir Vladimirovich realised that the US President, FJoe Biden, was at best a parody of a world leader, supported by weaklings and fools, Boris Johnson, for all his bravado, was a busted flush, having achieved not one of the goals he set himself and the EU was run by a useless female bureaucrat. Canada was in the hands of a totalitarian dictator who had shown himself to be a coward and even France was ineffectual under the poodle Macron. These men and women, (actually none of them are men), along with others across the West, had, by their sheer incompetence in handling the Covid fiasco, completely divided their own countries, squandering the opportunity they had to unite them out of base Political Correctness and their devotion to an outmoded globalist playbook. Putin judged that the political risk was minimal and the ground conditions were perfect; so he moved. Ukraine’s fate was sealed.
Not the actions of a madman
These are not the actions of a madman. These are the actions of a man who thinks, who reasons and most of all, who understands Machiavelli. Putin sees himself as protector of Mother Russia, but that includes all her babies, wherever they are and under whatever regime they may live. People who abused them, one by one, would feel the force of his wrath. He has been waiting a long time for the most propitious moment to launch his attack, and the Western leadership simply handed it to him on a plate.
Ukraine, no matter how many crocodile tears are cried, is finished. Putin will take the Left Bank, Eastern Ukraine, as a part of Russia and the rest will be a rump, with a pro-Moscow puppet government installed and carefully watched over. Just like in the old days. You wait and see. And the West will bleat and wring its hands but in the end, accept the fait accompli. It will have no choice. It won't pre-emptively launch nuclear weapons and everyone knows that – including Putin. But if one NATO soldier sets foot on Russian soil, how many of those Western leaders are sure he will not respond with all the hellish fury his nuclear arsenal can deliver?
A plague on the pussies who rule the West
In all honesty, whom among us, today, would not prefer a strong ruler who would protect us, rather than the cackling pack of silly women and their ghastly sycophants who now run the West? Who would not have Putin before Justin 'Blackface' Trudeau, Joe 'FJ' Biden, Boris 'Bojo' Johnson or Manny Mac Macron, the man who married his mum? Who would put his fate in the hands of a slavering idiot who made a mentally disturbed man into an admiral? Faith, Nero and Caligula must be applauding.
You might not like everything Putin does but one thing is for sure, you'll know what he stands for – and that is something nobody in the West can say of their leaders today. The last time Britain had a leader with cojones and vision to compare was when Margaret Thatcher ran the place. Because they’re not men, they’re molluscs. Valdimir Vladimirovich is a man, and may God bless him. There are not so many left.
Is Putin's middle name Vladimirovich, not Ilyich?
John Mearsheimer video on why Ukraine is the West’s fault.